English Presentations
Aprende a realizar presentaciones en inglés con el vocabulario y las expresiones correctas.
An introduction to the vocabulary and expressions that are most commonly used when giving presentations. After looking at the different types of presentation, commonly used equipment and some common false friends, students move on to the more specific language used at each stage of the presentation: introductions, opening, main body and conclusion.There is an emphasis on signposting – phrases which indicate the flow or progression of a presentation, referring to visual aids such as charts and graphs as well as the essential expressions to describe trends.
The course then moves on to focus on virtual presentations; looking at specific vocabulary as well as useful expressions for managing participants, dealing with technical issues and referring to visual aids.
There is a focus on extended reading with texts on the subject of technology in presentations and how to use it effectively. The areas of dealing with questions, interruptions and agreeing or disagreeing are
covered with listening and writing exercises that give the student authentic examples of different ways to express ourselves in both formal and informal situations.
Modalidad | |
Tipo de curso |
Unit 1 Introduction to presentations
Unit 2 Structure of presentations
Unit 3 Technology & visual aids
Unit 4 Requests and questions
Unit 5 Agreeing and disagreeing
Unit 6 Socialising
Unit 7 Review.
Modalidad Online. Partiendo de unos contenidos muy claros y actualizados, el alumn@ entenderá las claves de conocimiento del curso realizando diferentes ejercicios y tests.
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English Presentations
Aprende a realizar presentaciones en inglés con el vocabulario y las expresiones correctas.
Datos del curso
Modalidad | |
Tipo de curso |
30 Horas
A tu ritmo
Lugar de Realización:
225,00 €
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