English – AI Empowerment, Motivation and Leadership

Actualiza en cuanto a la Inteligencia Artificial, gana motivación y liderazgo con este curso en inglés.

This course looks at three different elements in business management: Empowering employees, Motivation and Leadership. Each section has key vocabulary and expressions as well as a definition of the term and reading or
listening exercises to give more information on the topic. Using some of the main theories surrounding the three areas such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Alderfer and the Three Needs theory, students will learn more about the theoretical aspects surrounding empowerment, motivation and leadership. Lessons use matching, fill the gap and comprehension exercises to provide comprehensive practice on both the content and the language used.


Tipo de curso


Unit 1. Empowerment
Unit 2. Motivation
Unit 3. Leadership
Unit 4. Revision
Unit 5. Final test.


Modalidad Online. Partiendo de unos contenidos muy claros y actualizados, el alumn@ entenderá las claves de conocimiento del curso realizando diferentes ejercicios y tests.


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curso-ingles-nivel-b2English - Business Meetings
English Dexway Academy - Course 1 - Level A2

English – AI Empowerment, Motivation and Leadership

Actualiza en cuanto a la Inteligencia Artificial, gana motivación y liderazgo con este curso en inglés.

Datos del curso


Tipo de curso


30 horas


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Curso bonificable por Fundae. ¡Pregúntanos!