English – Business Meetings

Aprende a comunicarte en inglés en los business meetings.

In this course students are introduced to the typical language used when doing business in English. With lessons on essential vocabulary, grammar and types of correspondence, as well as ways to describe an organisation. There is also an introduction to internal communication with a focus on reports and memos.



Tipo de curso


Unit 1. The Language of Business
Unit 2. Organising meetings
Unit 3. Introduction to business correpondence
Unit 4. Memos and reports
Unit 5. Company Stucture
Unit 6. False friends and misunderstandings
Unit 7. Revision.


Modalidad Online. Partiendo de unos contenidos muy claros y actualizados, el alumn@ entenderá las claves de conocimiento del curso realizando diferentes ejercicios y tests.


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curso-ingles-nivel-b1English Dexway Professional - Level B1 - Course 1
English - AI Empowerment, Motivation and Leadership

English – Business Meetings

Aprende a comunicarte en inglés en los business meetings.

Datos del curso


Tipo de curso


30 horas


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Curso bonificable por Fundae. ¡Pregúntanos!